Monday, October 02, 2017

Anime Matsuri

These images are the latest in a series illustrations I made a few months back for the Huston festival Anime Matsuri. The tall drawing, colored by my good friend Andrei Tabacaru is one of two banners used to decorate the pillars at the entry of the festival.  
The other two are shirt designs. The bottom one is inspired by Reika's ice cosplay.
All three drawings were drawn on my cintiq in Photoshop
Many thanks to Bogdan Gorganeanu for his tips and good advice.

colors by Andrei Tabacaru


These are part of the inktober daily challenge depicting one of my favorite cast members, Remi spelled r3m1, for no special reason; a cute mechanic girl, the main character in her own self titled comic-book story, that is so underground, it will never see the light of the screen, or paper, or sun. A character that I like strongly enough that I think, I will use in future projects, as main cast or just cameo(sic!).
When I say ”part” of the challenge, I mean, this is as far as I got in the challenge. I am sure something important came up, can't remember, but I challenge myself, to do at least nine entries, this year(sic-er!).